
Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Accountability #1

My first accountability goal for April is to cook at home 6 days a week.  Sundays is a day for the Lord and for our Christian community.

To us this includes fellowship with our friends and generally after church we either go to lunch as a family or with another family.  Sometimes we have carry-ins after church.

Lately church has poorly coincided with Bear's naps.  However, he has recently dropped from 2 to 1 nap a day.  He seems to sleep better with 1 long nap versus 2 shorter naps.  So while we may not be there very long we do make an effort to go.

Also, Hubs parents will be out helping with some landscaping renovations and I know we will go out to eat at least once with them.

And then, we are so grateful, a woman from church has so graciously offered to babysit Bear for us.  So Hubs and I will probably have an afternoon date one weekend and I'm sure that will include a lunch (because I don't see it warming up enough for a picnic) out.

On top of that, the end of April is Easter and my family will be visiting.  So I've made a realistic goal and included 4 days of eating out.

I started Thursday night with making a slow cooker pot roast.  It was one of those last minute lucky meals.  The roast was still frozen, I had 3 potatoes left, and a bag of onions.  I threw it together, added some seasoning and prayed it would be edible.  It actually turned out great and Hubs and I both have lunch for April 1.

So 1 meal down, only 54 to go (not including breakfast, I generally don't eat anything and Hubs has oatmeal until it runs out).

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