
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Accountability #5

Cloth Diapering.

While I was pregnant I had all these grand ideas to cloth diaper my baby.  I stocked up on newborn prefolds and covers, a few one size pockets, and 4 Thirsties All In One's (AIO).  Then Bear was born.

There was the stress of the NICU, the first few weeks home, the doctor's appointments, and the constant screaming.  I couldn't add one more thing to my plate, I just couldn't.

Then Bear has chronic constipation because of his muscle issues, so between MiraLax, Lactulose, Suppositories, Diaper Cream and play doh poop I just didn't feel ready and put it out of my mind.

Fast forward to last week.  Obviously the Newborn prefolds and covers and 2 of the Thirsties AIO (size small) weren't going to fit.  But I have about 6 one size pocket diapers and 1 medium and 1 large Thirsties.  So I figured, these diapers are wasting space in my closet and I'm almost out of Target daytime diapers.  So let's try them out. 

I figured I'd just use them for pee for now and when Bear got the "poop face" that I could change him.  All went well for the first day, however Bear decided to break me in fast.  The next morning he pooped before I even knew it.  I almost panicked.  I wasn't prepared for poopy diapers.  So I just went in the laundry room, pulled the insert out of the pocket and threw it in the laundry bag.  I went to the bathroom, swished the dirty diaper in the toilet.  It was shockingly easy.  The poop came right off, and I just flushed the toilet.

I did my first load of cloth diapers last night and it was so easy!  I'm hooked.  Bear, I and my Mom are even going to a cloth diaper event this coming weekend.

We are going to need more, I believe I have 8 diapers and that is just not enough to even make washing them worth it.  Thankfully the ones I love are on sale because they're being discontinued, so I believe we will be adding to our stock soon.

Currently, I still use disposables at night (Bear is a heavy wetter) and if we go out.  I don't have a wet bag or any extra inserts to up the absorbency.  So if we're out and I have to change him, I'm stuck.  I hope to remedy that soon.

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