
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The not so nice side of motherhood

I'm bawling my eyes out.

I've hit my limit.  Bear woke up at 5AM for the second day in a row.  A full 3-4 hours before his waking time has been lately.  He then napped from 10-10:45AM. End.

I tried to put him down to nap for 2 hours, he refused.  No matter what I did.  And now, Hubs puts him to bed like usual (albeit an hour early at 7) and he runs to the store to get a valve for our pipe.  Of course the half bath decides to start leaking today!

Not even ten minutes later and Bear is back up screaming.  I go in, try to soothe him, and it doesn't work.  So I pick him up to rock him and he is wide awake staring at me.  I lost it.  I seriously started sobbing unbelievably, I'm just at my wits end with him today.  I haven't been able to do anything right.  No matter what, if I put him on the floor to play he wanted to be held.  If I held him he wanted down.  If I put him in the swing for a few minutes he screamed like I was murdering him.  I am so tired.

I have no idea why I can't sleep at night but last night I slept from 11-3 then was up till at least 4:30 then Bear was up at 5 and I managed to nap till 6 when Hubs had to get up.

I am thoroughly emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted today.  So, I put him in his crib where he cried, babbled and then yelled at me while I bawled my eyes out in the living room waiting for Hubs to get home.  All I want to do is take a long bath and go to bed.  BUT, the dishes need washing and a load of laundry has to get started.

However, we can't do anything until Hubs fixes the pipe in the bathroom so we can turn the water back on.

Cue more sobbing.

This is why my schedule needs fixing.  At 4:30 I went and walked around Wal-Mart.  I did have the excuse we needed cat food.  But mostly, it would occupy Bear while we waited for Hubs to get home. I literally was getting more exhausted and closer to the verge of tears with each step. I made it home to find out Hubs ended up working an extra 20 minutes late and I almost fell apart. 

I think it's about time I head to the doctor for a physical to find out why I'm so tired all the time, no matter what.

This is the unglamorous side of motherhood that people don't tell you about.

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