
Friday, October 26, 2012

Whole30: Day 1

Welp…It was a lot harder than I anticipated.  And not for the “OH MY GOSH THERE IS A JAR OF NUTELLA IN THERE” reasons.

More like the, I’m fighting a nasty cold and had such a sore throat ALL day reason.  My brother had a cold can of ginger ale and all I could think of was the cold syrupy drink and how soothing it is on the way down.

Or just a darn cough drop. 

Bear and Monkey had a rough night.  I think Hubs and I both only got about 2 hours of broken sleep.  I needed caffeine so badly, but I HATE HATE HATE the taste of coffee.

I usually drink it mixed 50/50 with flavored coffee creamer.  So the thought of drinking it black or with just coconut milk was enough to turn my stomach.  I did end up having a cup of hot tea around 3PM to help soothe my throat.  It helped until  I sneezed.  My throat is on fire.

Hopefully, tonight I’ll get more sleep and start beating this cold.

Onto the rest of the program.

I have had no headaches or cravings for sugar, but I don’t usually everyday. For me that random and intense.  I can’t just have a teensy bit of Nutella every day and be okay, for me it’s 1 or 2 times a month I want to eat half the jar.

Today’s food is as follows:
Breakfast:  Frittata with Mushrooms, Onion, Red Bell Pepper, Ground Turkey, Tarragon and Parsley, 2/3 of Bear’s Banana
Snack:  Almonds on the way out the door to Bear’s sign language class
Lunch:  Chili (I made this recipe up, but I have a few improvements before I post it)
Snack:  Apple
Dinner:  Chicken Limone (chicken, arugula, mushrooms, brussel sprouts and lemon dressing)
Dessert:  Strawberries

At the end of the day I feel less bloated.  Hubs even noticed it compared to how I looked last night.  I thought eating all this fiber would give me a stomach ache but I haven’t felt one at all.  For now I’m trying to end the day with something sweet to kind of give me that dessert feel but I may try eliminating it in a few days. 

Tomorrow I’m excited to make smoothies and try some other produce I bought.

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