
Monday, October 29, 2012

Whole30: Day 4

Bear has been having a rough go, so I’ve been slightly stressed out today.  We’re also starting to experience the effects of the hurricane.  Here’s hoping to keeping our power!


Breakfast:  Smoothies and a few nuts.

Snack:  I had like 3 almonds.  I was on a crazy cooking and dishwashing adventure to get a lot finished incase we lose power.

Lunch:  I ate WAY too late.  I was famished.  I ate 2 eggs and a handful of mixed nuts.

Dinner:  Salad (mushrooms, tomatoes, green onion, etc) with balsamic vinagrette


I also managed to exercise.  After we put Bear down for a nap (Hubs was home today because of the hurricane, his work closed) I put in a DVD workout and went to town.  I was hot and sweaty, but I made it through the whole thing!!! I think that’s pretty impressive for me considering I had a baby 4 months ago and I haven’t done a thing in the way of exercise in about 6 months.  Outside of lifting a chunky baby.


As for how I feel, I’ve got a LOT of energy.  Hubs is noting that he has a ton too.  He used to get REALLY tired and need to take a nap, but now he says he’s not even sure he could take a nap.  TMI: He’s also noticed a huge decrease in his gas and his breath is much better.  He’s also starting to get THE COLD.  Monkey and I are on the mend, Bear is in the thick of it and Hubs is just starting to get it. 


I never really experienced any of the headaches that usually goes along with a huge diet change.  Maybe it’s because I was gluten-free before so my body was used to not having a lot of grains.  I haven’t really experienced a ton of cravings.  I’ve had some mild fleeting ones, where I think “mmm…gummi bears” but they it passes.

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