
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Whole30: Days 21, 22 and 23

Monday we had a very busy therapy day. Hubs is still home due to his Mono so we had leftover Carnitas for lunch and Trader Joe's Chili Lime Chicken Burgers for supper. They were fantastic!

Tuesday was another busy day. We had story time and then headed out shopping. I made turkey burgers for lunch and supper was roasted beets grilled hotdogs and sauerkraut.

Wednesday we had a lot of therapy and I made it to the farmer's market and Whole Foods. I made Dijon roasted chicken breast for lunch and for supper we had leftover chicken cold over spring mix with dill and parsley. I made a citrus cilantro dressing with it.

I finally finished It Starts With Food and realized I've been doings lots is things wrong. I don't think we've been eating enough vegetables so I've been adding more in. Also no more starting our day with a fruit smoothie. I generally don't eat much fruit but I'm guilty if starting the day with a fruit smoothie and sending my body the wrong message. Since cutting it smoothies and adding more vegetables I've definitely felt my body respond.

I can't believe there is only a week left of the 30 days. It went by so fast and yet feels so long term already.

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