March is going out like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. We got snow. The road and driveway were COVERED last night but I guess they plowed and salted. The lighting is horrible because it's that dreary and overcast outside. And yes, our garbage can is still there from yesterday.
Hubs, Bear, and I all got the Plague this past week. I'm still coughing (my chest feels like a baby rattle) but Hubs and Bear seem to be on the mend.
I'm still working on my knitting WIP. Slow and steady win the race. Right? Right?! Slow and steady. The tutorial has already bound off their 8" long washcloth and started a new one using the Purl stitch. Mine knit is about 3" long (and that's being generous). I just don't seem to have the rhythm down.
April is going to be a month of accountability. With the Plague there was lots of whining and moaning and "I'm too tired to cook" (with a huge draw on the oo of cook). There was lots of restaurant meals totally blowing our food budget. We even went out for pancakes. Seriously??!!! Pancakes cost like $1 to make for both of us and we blew about $11 going out to the local grocery store. Our one grocery store chain has restaurants in it. Sit down, full service restaurants. Does anyone else have these?
I'm still working on our "How our home runs" Binders. I managed to get the section pages started and a few labels put on. But the insides are mostly blank. Our bills have run amok for right the moment. We forgot about the electric bill. But thanks to some quick consigning of outgrown baby clothes and hand me down gear we didn't use, we paid it in plenty of time. Our taxes are complete and we're awaiting an ample tax refund to help us be credit card debt free. Slow and steady wins the race.
Hopefully a few more days and I'll finally be back to me.