So my frugal instincts have been having a detrimental effect on my wallet.
Bear is chronically "irritated". His muscle tone is so tight that he kind of exists on his last nerve for much of the time. And while he is on medicine to combat it, it's not 100% effective. Add this irritation to teething and we're in a fussy nightmare.
So I've been looking into amber teething necklaces and THANKFULLY!!! Bear is only getting his FIRST tooth now so I've had time.
BabyHalfOff had InspiredbyFinn Amber Teething Necklaces on sale for, yep you guessed it, 50% off!
So we're now on the bandwagon.
Tomorrow we have a baby sitter coming (who so graciously volunteered last month) so that Hubs and I can get some work done on the house, for Bear's 1st birthday, in the yard, and run some errands.
This means I'm on with my own Clean Up Smackdown!
Okay last time I emptied the dishwasher while Bear played on the floor. Can I empty the dishwasher and dish rack this time?! And go!!!
Yes I know, I have a sitter coming, so I can clean. But, I want it to seem like I'm
I'm just one of those people that falls in the category of
My home is not DIRTY. I never let it get that far, but there is usually a pile of clean laundry folded in the living room, dirty bottes on the table waiting to get rinsed for the dishwasher, an unmade bed, and some cat food spilled over the bowl.
What usually happens is it stays this way for a
Today it was supposed to happen during naptime (which is going on currently), however, I forgot to turn on his sound machine. So I can't clean up much without making noise and waking my baby.
Or I'm just using this as an excuse to sit on my butt and blog and watch terrible afternoon TV.
Or both.......
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