Thursday, January 3, 2013

Whole30: Day 3

Breakfast a glass of half orange juice half water and some almonds while I waited for my smoothie to thaw.

Lunch:  smoothie and some spring mix with homemade dressing (olive oil, garlic, and red wine vinegar)

Snack:  about 10 pistachios and a few sips of coconut pineapple water.  I have come to the conclusion that I do NOT like coconut water by itself.  It’s fine mixed in smoothies but yuck by itself.

Dinner:  1 Bilinski’s chicken sausage (spinach and garlic), 2 eggs, sautéed kale, mushrooms and onions


Today I woke up feeling MUCH better.  Despite still wanting to sleep when Hubs woke me up so he could leave for work, I woke up quickly and have a bit of pep in my step today (Far better than the junk in the trunk of yesterday).  I’ve had no headache and feel a lot clearer, if that makes sense.  I don’t know how else to put it.  Not that I feel lighter in the sense of having lost 20 lbs. in 3 days, but more that I don’t feel weighed down by all the heavy junk in processed food or baked goods. 


The fiber bloat has gone down however my body, *ahem*, seems to be flushing itself out today and I have had lots of trips to the bathroom.  It could also be the 4907809234 glasses of water I’m drinking a day. 


I went to the Farmer’s Market today and scored big on lots of produce.  We had a lot of fruit, but I was really needing veggies for supper.  I got a bunch of Kale and decided to make Kale chips.  They are interesting.  They’re not bad, but they’re not much.  They kind of disintegrate when you go to eat them.  However, they have a nice nutty taste, with a smidge of saltiness. 


However, they’re not *REALLY* Whole30 approved.  The concept behind Whole30 is changing your relationship with food, not just paleo-fying junk food and making it healthier.  For me, it’s less about the paleo-fying junk food and more about finding snacks that are easy to eat and don’t require preparation in the moment.  It’s hard for me to find time to sit down and peel the entire orange or sit down and eat a juicy piece of fruit and have sticky hands when the boys are constantly needing me.


I also went to Target today.  Only today it should have been “Temptation Bullseye”.  I of course was getting hungry when I got there, (I ate lunch like 2 hours prior and had run a few other errands already) and walking through those aisles looking for the stuff I needed was not easy.  I did settle on pistachios and coconut water (which by my prior statement, I couldn’t consume beyond a few mouthfuls) and am really proud of myself.  I just kept telling myself that if I gave in now I would ruin the past 48 hours that I endured.  That awful headache, the bloat, the crabbiness would have all been for nothing.  So I grabbed my stuff and my snack and left.  It was hard in the car snacking on my nuts and drinking gagging coconut water. Even though all I could think about was grabbing a Coke at McDonalds next door.

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